5 Signs of Termites | Natural State Pest Control


Do you suspect that your home may have a termite infestation? Termites are silent destroyers, causing significant damage to your property without you even realizing it. It's important to be aware of the signs of a termite infestation so that you can take immediate action to protect your home.

Common Signs of Termites 

Identifying the signs of a termite infestation early on is crucial in preventing further damage and minimizing repair costs. Whether you're a new homeowner or have been living in your home for years, it's important to be vigilant and proactive in termite prevention. 

Stuck Windows and Doors 

Stuck windows and doors can often be a crucial sign of a potential termite infestation in a home. Termites, particularly subterranean termites, are notorious for causing damage to wooden structures, including door frames and window sills. As these voracious pests tunnel through the wooden components of a house, they create moisture-rich galleries that weaken the wood and cause it to warp or swell. Consequently, windows and doors situated close to termite activity may become increasingly difficult to open or close smoothly.

Damage Under Paint 

Damage under the paint is a clear sign of termite activity, as the pests cause the paint to separate from the wood due to their destructive feeding habits. Over time, termites create narrow tunnels which can lead to blistering, peeling, or bubbling of paint on walls, ceilings, or wooden surfaces.

Discarded Wings 

The presence of discarded wings around your home can be a strong indication of termite activity nearby. Termites, specifically the reproductive caste known as swarmers, take flight from their existing colony in search of new nesting sites during the mating season. Once termites find a suitable location, they shed their wings as they are no longer needed for burrowing into the wood and establishing a new colony. These discarded wings often accumulate near windows, doors, light fixtures, or other sources of light as termites are attracted to light during their swarming phase.

Hollow Wood

When you tap or knock on wood that has been infested by termites, it will produce a distinct hollow sound due to the absence of solid wood within. This hollow sound is a telltale sign that the wood has been extensively damaged by termites from the inside out. Additionally, you may also observe small cracks or holes on the surface of the wood, which are the entry points used by termites to access and feed on the cellulose.

Mud Tubes 

The presence of mud tubes is a clear and unmistakable sign of a termite infestation in your home. Termites construct these distinctive mud tubes as protective tunnels to travel from their underground colonies to their food sources, usually wood within a home. These tubes are made of soil, saliva, and fecal matter, forming a narrow and intricate network on the exterior surfaces of walls, foundations, or other structures. Spotting mud tubes along the foundation, walls, or other wooden structures is a strong indication that termites are actively infesting your home.

What To Do If you Find Termites 

If you find signs of termites in or around your home, it's essential to take immediate action to address the issue and prevent further damage. Termites can be challenging to eradicate without the expertise and proper equipment. Contact Natural State Pest Control for the best local termite treatment to get your home termite-free!